What You Should Know About Using Hydrogen Peroxide in Your Ears
Most of us have felt or will feel the discomfort of a full ear at some point in our lives. It can be so uncomfortable, that you might try just about anything to resolve the issue. Friends, family, and the internet will likely have some remedies for you to try, and one of these remedies that may be recommended is using hydrogen peroxide in your ears.
Whether you’re considering using peroxide in your ears for the first time, or you’ve been doing it for years, you should consider the safety of this method and the alternative solutions to clean your ears.
Using Too Much Can Cause Harm
Even though hydrogen peroxide can be used as an alternative to cotton swabs for removing earwax, you should use caution with this method. You might feel confident that you’re using a skin-safe concentration, but it can cause harm if you use too much. No more than 10 drops should be used in your ear at a time.
There Are Potential Risks When Using Hydrogen Peroxide
Using hydrogen peroxide can have negative effects such as inflammation and earaches. Hydrogen peroxide can also be dangerous for the skin in and around your ears. If you use it too often or use too much, you’re at risk for developing irritation and blisters. In concentrations of over 10%, hydrogen peroxide can even cause burns.
Safer Solutions to Treat Clogged Ears
Hearing health is not something you should take lightly. Hearing has a huge impact on how we interact with the world around us, and how we communicate with loved ones, so it’s important to do what we can to protect it. There are many options to treat your clogged ears that do not pose the safety risks of hydrogen peroxide or cotton swabs. Over-the-counter ear drops are one option that’s safer and poses less risks than using hydrogen peroxide.
The safest treatment for clogged ears is a visit to a certified hearing professional. We have the ability and equipment to effectively remove earwax. Reach out to us today if you’re feeling discomfort due to fullness in your ears or if you’re experiencing hearing loss because of earwax, also known as conductive hearing loss.
Should you get your ears professionally cleaned?
- Expertise: Our providers are trained professionals with specialized knowledge of the ear anatomy and safe cleaning techniques. Patients can be confident that the procedure will be conducted with precision and care.
- Safety: Cleaning your ears at home with cotton swabs or other tools can be risky and may lead to injury or damage to the delicate structures of the ear. Our professional cleaning ensures that your ears are cleaned safely and effectively, reducing the risk of complications.
- Thoroughness: We have access to specialized tools and equipment designed specifically for ear cleaning, allowing us to remove excess wax, debris, or blockages thoroughly. Our thorough cleaning process can improve hearing and reduce discomfort associated with blocked ears.
Schedule Your Ear Exam
No matter if you’re feeling fullness in your ears, having a hard time hearing, feeling general discomfort, or a combination of symptoms, it’s a good idea to let us know. Contact us today to schedule an ear exam so that we can determine the problem and treat you with care.
Make sure your ears are treated correctly, schedule your ear exam with us today!